Faxe Gold 5.5% is an international premium lager with a full, distinctive and smooth taste, and slightly stronger than its direct competitors.

  • Diamond Ice

    A tropical ready to drink Vodka, Crafted with tradition in mind.

  • Diamond Ice 750ml

    Ready to Drink Vodka This is a purely Kenyan product […]

  • FAXE STOUT 7.7%

    Faxe Stout belongs among the oldest types of beer. Sometimes referred to as “the milder porter”. This historic beer type is made from barley malt, müncher malt, and dark roasted color malt.

  • Blue Ice Vodka

    The composition of Blue Ice vodka is 60% water. The clarity of the water used during distillation is paramount to the flavor and balance of vodka.

  • Faxe Premium

    Faxe Premium is a classic international premium lager with a smooth, distinctive taste.

  • Best Classic Gin

    When it comes to gin, the question on everybody’s lips […]

  • Flying Horse Brandy

    Flying horse brands are made from winter wheat grown in […]

  • Faxe Beer

    Faxe 10% is a strong beer with 10% alcohol. The slight sweetness combined with the high alcohol percentage results in a balanced product with a vinous taste.


    Power Malt is specifically developed to enhance performance, and it has a higher malt content than its competitors.

  • Tempt 9

    Denmark's Royal Unibrew tempts us with this semi-sweet apple cider by infusing it with strawberry and lime flavors.

  • Blue Ice Coconut

    The key factor in the vodka category is smoothness, and smoothness is what our vodka has. Blue Ice Vodka Coconut has proved beyond the Ordinary

  • Konyagi

    Tanzanian Konyagi, a spirit drink based on molasses made from sugarcane.

  • Gold Medal Brandy

    As a craft renaissance sweeps the brandy category, the big […]

  • Tempt 3

    Tempt No 3 is a wonderfully refreshing Cider with flavorsome apple characteristics coming through in both the aroma and flavor.

  • Best Classic Brandy

    We had a vision of creating fine cool BRANDY crafted with tradition in mind. We didn’t have to look far to find the ideal BRANDY

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